The Original: Baader Planetarium

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The Original: Baader Planetarium

# 2000000

€ 2,450.00 Price excl. German VAT tax (19%): € 2,058.82
Shipping time: We will discuss an estimated shipping date.

  • The original BAADER PLANETARIUM – produced for more than 50 years
  • More than 15.000 pieces have been delivered world-wide
  • The instrument consists of a Star-Glob with 50 centimeters diameter made of acrylic glass - almost black, but transparent for the observer in a darkened room.
  • With the Baader Planetarium you can demonstrate the mechanics of the heaven in a heliocentric manner. Perfectly suited for schools, universities and observatories
Important note: This product is not available for online sale due to its long delivery times. Please send us an inquiry and we will discuss an estimated shipping date.

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Have an older unit, are they still available for purchase and can I purchase a part for mine if needed (Transformer and Glass Sun.
Question by: Anthony Orzechowski on Sep 9, 2016 6:44:00 PM | 1 Answer(s)

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Firmly interested in the Planetarium; please keep me in a waiting list.
Please let me know expectations on a shipping date.
Question by: Ramon A Limiñana on Feb 3, 2021 12:56:00 PM | 1 Answer(s)

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I have a Baader Planetarium that is in good working order. However, the little white globe that sits in the center of it (over the little electric bulb) is slightly broken at its base and needs to be replaced. Can you please help me get a replacement little white globe?
Steve Shackelford
Professor of Aeronautics
Mt. San Antonio College
Walnut, California
Question by: Steve Shackelford on Jan 20, 2020 9:43:00 PM | 1 Answer(s)

Rating of Question

Is this product still available, can it be shipped to the US, and what is the price?
Thank you!
Question by: Bruce Morgan on Apr 18, 2023 5:49:00 PM | 1 Answer(s)

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Baader Planetarium - since 1966
Baader Planetarium Demonstration

The Original: Baader Planetarium

BAADER Planetarium
BAADER Planetarium 50 Jahre BAADER Planetarium Anwendungsbilder

The Baader Planetarium – the cornerstone of our company and worldwide the most successful Demonstration model for the mechanics of the heavens – produced for more than 50 years. re than 15.000 pieces have been delivered world-wide

The device consists of a celestial globe with 50 centimeters in diameter, made of Plexiglas - almost black - but transparent for the viewer in a darkened room.

An interesting effect here is that any observer can indeed see into the globe, and only see the black background on the other side with laterally correct stars, but does not perceive another person standing behind it! This creates a very strong spatial impression.

The celestial globe consists of two half-shells, the upper half is removable. Inside is an electrically driven Tellurium assembled, showing the circulation of the earth and moon around the sun.

You can demonstrate with the Baader Planetarium amongst other things the following astronomical facts:

  • Earth's orbit around the sun, origin of the seasons
  • Orbit of the moon around the earth
  • The emergence of the phases of the moon, full moon and new moon

  • The development of solar and lunar eclipses
  • Synodic and Sidereal Time
  • The precession of the Earth's axis
  • The visibility of the constellations, depending on the season
  • The visibility of the constellations, depending on the location of the observer on the globe
  • The positions of the inner planets, the projection of the starry sky and much more
BAADER Planetarium

By removing the solar sphere you get a pointed light source. In a darkened room or by using a projection dome the stars of the celestial globe can be projected

The globe is free to rotate in its holder, thus the stars for any date and location on Earth can be represented as a projected image.


Accessories for the Baader Planetarium

BAADER Planetarium Sonnenprojektionslinse

Projection domes with suspension (#2000100)

Geometric correct hemisphere, consisting of 8 sub-segments each 45 degrees of glass fiber reinforced polyester. Colour matt white interior, exterior gray. Self-supporting.

  • Available in 2.5, 3.5, 4, 5 or 6 meters in diameter
  • Wall thickness about 3 mm
  • Number of segments 8

50 years – one device!

Baader Planetarium Messe-Ausstellung
Baader Planetarium Messe-Ausstellung
Baader Planetarium Messe-Ausstellung

Additional Information

Manufacturer Baader Planetarium
SKU (#) 2000000
EAN Code 4047825013866
Net weight (kg) 2.80

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Mohammad Pakmehr 244/09/2021 02/09/202110:30
  • Rating:
Baader Planetarium
Thank you very much for producing plantarium. I have one of these in Iran. It has never been so easy to learn the concepts of astronomy as well as astrology.
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Thomas Pirzer 326/11/2020 22/11/202017:04
  • Rating:
... die Ewigkeit in einem Globus
... seit nun mehr als 20 Jahren habe ich dieses wunderbare Planetarium - und vorher gab es, unbeachtet, 9 Jahre eines an meinem Gymnasium... jeder, dem ich es zeigte, versteht danach das Prinzip der Sonnenfinsternis und Voll- und Neumond.... ganz wunderbar! jetzt lasse ich den Zahn der Zeit durch professionelle Hände inspizieren... ich freu mich schon!
  • ... dass es es gibt!
  • nichts...
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Dr. Rainer Fuchs 320/11/2016 16/11/201603:17
  • Rating:
Baader Planetarium - nach 50 Jahren
Ich war gerade 20 Jahre alt und ein junger armer Student, als mir die Firma Baader den Erwerb ihres Baader-Planetariums zu günstigen Bedingungen ermöglichte. Das ist nun ein halbes Jahrhundert her. Und immer noch begeistern mich, meine Freunde und Gäste der Anblick von Erde und Mond, wie sie sich im Weltraum vor dem Hintergrund des Sternenhimmels im Jahresverlauf bewegen. Ich kann noch stundenlang im abendlichen Zimmer den Lauf der Gestirne verfolgen. Unglaublich, wie die Erdachse die Richtung beibehält, selbst die Drehung der Mondbahnebene ist zu verfolgen, und auch der Satellit behält seine Stellung im Raum bei. Meine fünf Kinder haben nicht nur Sonnen -und Mondfinsternisse am Modell erlebt und dadurch in der Wirklichkeit verstanden, sondern auch die Sternbilder - an die Wand projiziert - erlernt und am Nachthimmel wiedergefunden. Keine App - von denen es inzwischen ja viele in hervorragender Qualität gibt - kann einen so unmittelbaren und tiefen Eindruck von den Wundern des Weltalls vermitteln und so anschaulich und dreidimensional die Himmelsmechanik erklären. Heute sind es meine Enkel, die in mein Arbeitszimmer drängen, um das Baader-Planetarium zu erleben. Es gibt nichts Besseres.
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